12/11/2018On November 8th, the delegation led by General Director Nguyen Huu Tinh took down the project: "YFY Hanam Carton Package Factory"- Dong Van II Industrial Zone, Ha Nam in order to inspect factory internally and give the necessary guidance to encourage engineers when the project is coming to the finishing stage.
This is a periodic inspection conducted by CJSC to exchange experience and improve the quality of the project. Participation in the inspection also includes the presence of key managers and staffs of the company.
During the working session, the delegation visited and inspected the construction items, the work of administrative management at the site. The delegation has grasped the progress of the project and been able to listened to the sharing, the aspirations of engineers and workers there.
After the inspection, the delegation had a meeting to summarize and give feedbacks. In addition, the Director General also encouraged the Site Management Board to continue the construction of the items in accordance with the technical and schedule process.
The project is expected to be completed and handed over to the investor in the first month of February 2019.
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