16/09/2016Corporate culture is the system of value created and accumulated by Enterprise through the business procedure, relationship with the social environment and nature. On the other hand, building corporate culture is an essential factor
Corporate culture is the system of value created and accumulated by Enterprise through the business procedure, relationship with the social environment and nature. On the other hand, building corporate culture is an essential factor of brand name development, because corporate culture contributes to promote the corporate brand name. It is considered an invisible treasure, plays an important role in shaping the vision, strategy, mission, creates differentiation and enhances the competitiveness of enterprise. Understands that, since establishing, CJSC is always particularly interested in building corporate culture.
On 17th September, CJSC held the training course “Corporate culture” for all staff under the instruction of Dr. Vu Huu Kien – Senior lecturer of International Labor Organization.
Mr. Vu Huu Kien – senior lecturer of International Labor Organization (ILO)
Mr. Nguyen Huu Tinh – CJSC Chairman of the managing board – General Director gave flower to Mr. Kien and made speech at training course.
At the first day, the atmosphere is very cheerful and open with funny stories through that the lecturer cleverly integrated into knowledge and his experience.
According to Dr. Vu Huu Kien, corporate or organizational culture is not anything distant or big issue, "Every product of an organization is collection of all the values of the organization. Therefore, there is no role of any individual in the organization is small or not important at all. All are a set of unified unit to create common values "
"I found the things shared by the lecturer very interesting, useful for all individuals of an organization in building the corporate culture as a whole." Engineer Nguyen Van Thinh – Manager of D&R department said after the first session.
The training course will last for 2 days. On the second day, the course will focus on the specific actions to build cultural standard in corporate and discuss and exchange ideas.
Enterprises with good cultural foundation will create an open and dynamic working atmosphere for staff. The success in CJSC’s building culture is to create a good working environment, the staff are happy, and ready to dedicate and working efficiency is high. Each individual in CJSC is an inseparable member to form a united team, strong, working on team-work spirit that is shared and cooperated without the pressure of the gap powerful. All staffs are authorized in their job and get regular support from the board of management. CJSC culture is also reflected through regular activities such as festivals, birthday parties, picnic, sport competition, etc. Through such sessions, employees become closer, more enthusiastic, excited at work.
Here are some images of training day:
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